Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lighting Upgrade: Part 1 (The Moment of D'Oh!)

250! 250!! 250!!! That's the number I've been eyeing for the last month when the guys came over for poker and discussed how one of the way I can improve my tank is. The plan was to upgrade my Outer Orbit setup by replacing the ballasts and changing to bulbs to 2 x 250w MH's + the existing 2 x 130w PC actinics. I think that changes my 560w Outer Orbit up to 760 watts. That is some serious crazy shit man. For this much in lights, I may as well grow pot, at least that may help me get some money back...

Anyway, I scoured the web for some great deals on Hamilton 250w 14k bulbs and some IceCap ballasts and I finally got them (the bulbs) in today. My moment of DOH! came when I opened the box and realized: A. The bulbs are significantly bigger than the 150w MH's and B. The connectors aren't even the same style! So for the poker guys (a.k.a. club president and lighting expert) THANKS FOR LETTING ME IN ON THIS ONE!

Now, to see if I can work past this hiccup...


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