Bully Eviction Program: Part I
There once was a cute lil emerald named Alexa, who was named after a dear friend of the family. She worked hard to clean and grow but to my public dismay (but secret approvals) never molted in the tank. Well, one day, she walked through the valley of the shadow of death, met some bad company and things got ugly.
As you know, I'm not a fan of big crabs and today, one of them finally broke my trust. At first I thought the big crab wanted to pick the algae off of the smaller crab to clean her as a mother would. I soon learned that it was not the case when the crab pulled apart one of her legs and proceeded to pull out her underarmor. To my horror, this is what I saw when I was checking out my tank today.
Sorry for the bad video but I figured if the quality is as good as COPS it would be good enough to capture this incident. Needless to say, I fished out this guy as soon as I could and traded him in at the LFS. There is still another monster crab in the tank but until he does something wrong, I will keep him in for algae control.
Let's get this straight boys... in this house, there are only two members that can eat crabs; and they only do so with Old Bay. Good bye Bully Crab!
Note: Thanks Capp Bay for trading me smaller crabs for the bully crab!
wow that is messed up! sick, just sick man!
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