Okay, so a lot has happened and I haven't had the time to do all the updates yet. However, my emerald crab has grown to such a mutant size that I MUST blog about it since I am now afraid for my life, and the life of my critters. Within a couple of days, both of my larger emeralds (I have three) have decided to molt to go into a "who has the bigger claw" competition. I must say, I am impressed and shocked at the same time.

See the shell size of the average astrea shell? Well, the snail jumped out of my tank so the crab is picking its remains... but still, it's HUUUGE!

Hopefully, one of my LFS will take em in and trade me for some smaller and cuter emeralds. Do any of you want em? On another note, what's the biggest emerald you've seen? I'm curious as to how big they can get.

Check out the above... my regular emerald on the right, my monster emerald on the left.
I saw one in a 300 gal tank that was 2" across.
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