Zoos! Zoas! Zoanthids!
Mark finally came over with his COOL Nikon D50 camera so of course I had him take some pics of my tank. Actually, I requested his photography skills so these can finally be presented in the way they're supposed to be on the web. Hrmm, I guess I need a new camera! Anyway, below is the beginning of my zoanthid collection.

These are one of my more striking green zoas with a neon skirt and pretty neon centers. I call these the green dragon eye zoas even though I'm not sure if they're the same kind of green dragon eyes as described on the web.

These are my green zoas where I've placed together in my green zone. Among them are some Shamrocks (aka The Hulk) and some other ones that I haven't named/or found the names for yet.

Orange skirt zoas... I really like these cause they have neon skirts.

These were given to me by Tony which are still one of my favorite zoas in my tank. The triple colors plus neon skirts is just too cool.

...and finally, white zoas with brown skirts that came with my decorator arrow crab. I must say, I've NEVER seen these before even on the popular zoa trading websites. Does that qualify these as unique or rare? I hope so... cause these are totally cool.
Definitely more to come...
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