Do as I say, not as I do...

Well, it's now day three of the tank fill experiment and everything looks good so far. Unfortunately I only have one small pump in there but the small amount of current is keeping everything alive.
The tank finally cleared up yesterday which I attribute to the live rocks. I know this camera phone picture doesn't say it but it truly does look AWESOME.
Even though I have chaeto in the fuge and new live rocks that I think should be cycling, I really have nothing to test the water with right now. Yeah... I think the test kits are a rip off plus most tanks can be kept alive and great with careful watch unless you're trying to take care of some unique species. Of course, I do have some experience under my belt so I know what to look for, but you should totally get the test kits if you're new in the hobby.
On another note, I am officially starting my zoa obession and I'm trying really hard to wait till the tank is cycled before I dive into any stocking. At last count, I have 12 different kinds of zoanthids + yellow polyps in my small tank. Yikes! I know... but of course, I'm looking to get like 10 more different types before I'm settled. Actually, I would just like some pinks, reds, blues and purples to finish off my collection. I don't necessarily need 10 more types. (yet)
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