Please no leaky...
So I decided to move a lil faster than previously considered. I ordered 2 SEIO 620's, 2 heaters and a temperature sticker from Dr. Foster's this week. I was going to wait till they arrive to setup the tank but honestly, no one wants a 29G tank on their dining table nor do they like seeing it empty.
So tonight I decided to fill the tank up to run a leak test. Leak test normally consists of water and maybe some pumps... I have the water and the only pump I had was to the Aquafuge... so that's currently running for now. Don't ask me how the sand and base rock got in there though; those shouldn't have been part of the leak test.

On a side note, if the tank does leak or knock on wood, bust up, my career in this hobby is over. The good news is that the show piece base rocks look great and so does the dark blue background. So far I can hardly tell the black equipment is there... hopefully that still holds true when the water clears up.
The somewhat unfortunate news is that I'm now used to the Caribbean sand in my 12G and this new southdown sand is a lot finer and feels like quicksand. Will that harden up over time? I hope so...
edit: by having the base rocks in there and pouring the water in via the top of the base rocks, I was able to avoid the dreaded sand storm. Yay me!
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