So what's next? Can someone say 29G?
Okay, so not too much has been happening on my end partially due to the recent increased workload and partially due to stress. Well, that's not exactly true. I did but two frags of zoo's from the local fish store and I have been watching patiently as they grow.
The other reason why things have been slowing down is the adoption of my new dog Lily (the tan dog).

For the most part, this past week was just filled with learning her schedule, making sure she got along with Chloe, my other dog and of course, vet visits. Now that we've pretty much nailed down her schedule as well, the reef upgrade can continue.
I've decided to hold off on the 90G upgrade for a short period of time until I can catch up to the potential vet bills. Instead, I am upgrading my 12G Eclipse to a 29G softies tank. The good news is most things I've purchased in anticipation for the upgrade can be parted out to this 29 gallon. Also, my 12G can now be a frag tank if I so choose.
So far, the proposed upgrades include:
- 29G tank (it may be AGA or some cheaper brand)
- A 30" SunPod 150W HQI MH light
- A medium sized CPR HOB Aquafuge to serve as my small refugium
As soon as the items above come in, I will snap some shots...
Should I use a skimmer? My current setup doesn't have one and this will, for the most part, be a softies tank. Things to ponder on I guess...
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