Pay-It-Forward Frags and Anal GSM
The second time around anything always seems better. Though careful research may prevent you from some financial mistakes the first time around, it may not prevent all of it.
Yesterday, Bridget and I drove up from Atlanta up to Acworth (somewhere 10-15 miles north of Atlanta) to get a couple of zoo frags from a local reefer. Darren, the guy who owns the amazing 40G breeder reef has one of the cleanest and nicest reef I've ever seen. (Darren, you really need to get some pics up on the web!) I've actually thought about keeping a 40G at some point but in this stupid hobby, the bigger the number, the larger the craving. Anyway, Darren was kind enough to give me two of his zoo (zoa) frags for the price of driving up to Acworth. This pay-it-forward tradition is one I will definitely help continue after establishing my bigger tank.
On the way back, we stopped at two of our LFS (local fish stores) that are north of the city. I'm still yearning for the Oceanic 70G tank for $300 but I also saw at the second LFS an AGA (All Glass Aquarium) 65G tank for about $212. They are exactly the same size but I think Oceanic is padding their numbers. The cheaper tank sounds nice except that the glass is thinner and because of such, there is a center brace on the top. If I want to get any kind of cool Metal Halide lighting, that center brace would deem it useless. Of course, the other option which I am now debating is running a 75G Oceanic or AGA. The 75G has a center brace up top as well but at 4 feet wide, most MH lights would come in two instead of one, thus making the center brace shadow a non-issue. There are several used 75G being sold in the area so hopefully this second time around, I can learn to be a bit more patient and get the best deal on one that I like.
On another note, I just learned that my GSM (gold stripped maroon) clown fish is every bit as anal and as protective of his clan (friends) as I am. His home/friend the anemone has been slowly moving from his spot. The xenias which have been waving around their arms like they just don't care (about taking over the entire tank) is now getting close to the anemone. In an act of chivalry, the clown is now nipping at the heads of any Xenia stalks that is waving and taunting just a tad bit too close to the anemone. Frankly, I think this is kind of cool as he will now help keep the xenias in check. The xenia heads literally shrivel up like it's been punched in the face! But I guess we will see in the long run if I will keep this fish. As much as I like him, I would really prefer two false perc clowns. The GSM has been doing a great job of fattening up this anemone though. They really seem like they're now good buddies.
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