Catching up...

Okay... so, some quick dates so I can get things in order...
January 5, 2006 - Bought Eclipse Nano from a guy named Andrew who is moving back to Florida.
January 11, 2006 - The gold striped maroon clownfish found the anemone. Surprisingly, I only realized that this tank had an anemone inside a couple of days prior.
January 10, 2006 - Joined the local reef club ( and went to a meeting. The highlight of the meeting was listening to the marine biologist in charge of the health of the jellies from the Georgia Aquarium speak. Did you know there are jellies with a 6 feet+ disc and 100 feet+ tenticles? HOLY CRAP!
January 15, 2006 - It could have happened previously, but today was the first day I witnessed the clown actually taking a piece of food and dropping it off at the anemone so it can consume it. Needless to say, I think this fish will be well trained for any American Gladiator events if that show is still on.
On another note, I bought a fish stand from another guy who happened to be named Andrew in the ATL area. This stand however, will be used for either a 58 gallon or 70 gallon reef tank whenever I can scrounge up enough loose change to sum up the parts.
Nice GSM clown! Gonna get her a playmate soon?
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