The water bug bit hard! It's time for a upgrade.
R.I.P. 29 gallon tank! You were great and you were definitely the best tank I've ever kept to date... but you have just been phased out for the new 90 that I've always wanted. Now, I am a big fan of sump setups but since I had to compromise and upgrade with as little money as possible, I decided to opt for more real estate inside the tank and recycle my HOB fuge and my Remora skimmer on the new tank.

Thanks to Capp Bay (LFS) and Tony for the stand, I managed to quickly grab up my 90 gallon setup.

The last time I painted my tank I found the tape-off technique rather easy, so this time around I went with the same painting setup. After discussing it with my two reef friends, I decided to do this one with a black background instead of blue.

Just in case there was any doubt on what size this tank is... I tagged it.

Here's the tank ready to take place of the 29g. Bridget and my reflection got in the way.

Here's a pic with the new lights! I can't wait to use it.

Unfortunately this time I wasn't able to avoid the sand storm because I had to transfer sand from the old tanks to the new. The tank did clear up within a day with the skimmer and fuge running though.
I've already ordered another 50lbs of LR from International Marine Fish since my tank looks bare... er white. ( Anyway, I hope the rocks that come will be full of life and shapes.
I will say, the move was not easy... after transferring both tanks into the main one, it was only still half full. DOH! I also had to make a bunch of salt water and wait for it to be ready to get the tank done. It only took me till... hrmmm 5am! On the second day, as I proceed to put the fuge light onto the back fuge, I realized I was too ambitious and shoved the tank too close to the wall! So, I ended up emptying about 65% of the tank so I can shuffle the tank about 1/2" away from the wall. DOH #2. At least the hardest part is over and now I just have to wait and aquascape...
Nice Wei! I knew you wouldn't hold out till after your guest leaves!
Heck, you couldn't even hold out for a week!
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