More Purple fishes!
When it rains, it pours. I finally got my purple tang from the LFS and BTW, if you're in Atlanta, make an effort to check out Pet Supplies Surplus on Piedmont Rd. near Fat Matt's. The people there are awesome and are some of the nicest people I've EVER met in Atlanta, period. Also, they order fish from the same local supplier as the other LFS's in the area but sell them for a bit less. You can get baby clowns for $4.oo.
Anyway, I got my purple tang and while I was there, I decided to buy another small Chromis to make my blue greens a treo. Sadly, by the time I got home, apparently one of the Chromis fish had already been killed. Weird, considering I didn't even know there were any predators in my tank... It's actually been about 3-4 days now since the purchase and the Chromis count is down to one. My theory is one of a few territorial fishes that are now showing their true color.

The other thing that's been bugging me is that the Tang is not yet eating and it has a tendency to hide in one corner of my tank. While I'm not seeing a deflated stomach or any indications of ich yet, it's worrying me. I did catch the cleaner shrimp doing some cleaning though.
Edit: I take that back... even as I'm writing this, I'm now seeing a strand of chaeto in the tang's mouth. I guess he's finally decided he's hungry enough to eat. WOOHOO! Hopefully he'll eat all of the chaeto in the main tank cause right now they are growing out of control. I have about 2.5 baseball sized clumps in the main tank that can use some natural pruning.
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