I went to the Buckhead fish store after work yesterday to pick up a couple of clowns for my new tank. Yeah, I realize it's a bit soon but the cycling time for my tank has been minimal mostly due to me filling the tank with dry rocks and live rocks from my 90. Well, I ended up not getting the clowns but walked out with some more rocks and a mimic tang.
My favorite tangs thus far have been the red sea sailfin desjardini, achilles tang, the purple tang and some of the powder blue and browns. Most of the others have not been of interest to me but for whatever reason, this one REALLY caught my eye. Apparently, according to the store owner, this particular Mimic Tang was mimicking a
Eibli Pygmy Angel like the one pictured below... which must have been it cause I remember liking those as well.

Well, the crazy store owner quoted me $110 for this fish... after much MUCH debate, I ended up getting him. This was probably a bad decision b/c the two tangs I've tried before had not fared well at all. The purple tang died. The hippo tang also died mysteriously after a week due to not eating.
Also, the flame angel I bought was terrorized to death by the Potter's Angel and MUCH to my dismay, didn't make it through day two.
So here I am, buying a tang which doesn't stand much of a chance living (apparently)... as well as mimicking another dwarf angel which may cause issues in itself... I dunno; almost everything about it smelled fishy to me.
But the funny thing was... while I was worrying about this fish, the owners were worried about this tang terrorizing my current tank mates. I guess we were on different pages.
Well, I'm glad to say this story has a happy ending so far... when the fish finally rang up, it was only about $55 w/ the ARC discount. At first I thought I got a killer deal but I was just misquoted the price. Also, since the introduction to the tank, it seems like it has taken on the dominate role. The other fish are cautious, but no one has even tried to harass the tang yet (which I guess they didn't harass tangs before either). Vice versa, the tang hasn't decided to pick fights with anyone yet. I'm not sure if the colors will continue to stay as the Eibli, but I hope so... I really like the way this one looks... but I guess time will tell.

Labels: eibli angel, mimic tang